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Proven support for horse skin and coat even when challenged by wet or bites.

194 reviews. 4.8 / 5
Guest - 25/07/2024 14:12
Big time the difference in our horses skin and coat is just phenomenal
Definitely would highly recommend to anyone
Guest - 25/07/2024 12:59
Significant decrease in the ponies itching. Coat is looking healthier
Guest - 23/07/2024 21:53
As my mare has been suffering with sweet itch during the summer months over the past few years, a couple of years ago, I  decided to try Equidermis to help relieve the symptoms.  I feed it to her all year round reducing the measure in the winter months and am very pleased with the result. Previously she would scratch her neck until it was sore but now her coat is smooth and shiney. She still rubs her neck occasionally but nothing like before. I would recommend this product for horses with sensitive skins.
Guest - 23/07/2024 10:19
Fab product
Guest - 22/07/2024 08:19
Used to stop my horse itching, seems to be working, and the patches in his coat that he has rubbed off are starting to grow back well.
Michelle - 19/07/2024 21:06
Fab product, my pony rubbed a big piece of her mane off in winter and with this supplement it’s grown back in no time
Guest - 18/07/2024 20:44
Very palatable plus my pony's coat has a good shine.  He is also a lot less itchy than he has been in previous Summers.  Will continue to use to see if this is also the case during coat change time.
Elizabeth - 16/07/2024 10:35
Horses coat has never been better.  He has had cracked heels in the summer when it is wet and warm, but no sign this year.
Guest - 14/07/2024 00:01
To be honest, the jury is still out on this one. There is a lot of product if you feed at the recommended rate for the weight of the horse. With our girls being older horses (18, 31 and 33) and natives, they don’t need ( and they don’t get big feeds) which means the ratio of supplement to feed is very high. If you have a fussy eater or one with a suppressed appetite because she’s on Prascend, it can lead to her not  eating what’s put in front of her. So we feed at a lower rate. It hasn’t really stopped the younger horse itching and rubbing her dock nor has it done anything to reduce the scurf of one of the older mares. I think we will stop feeding it for a while and review. All of that said, the oldest mare was losing her mane and forelock, and all of a sudden, it has started to really thicken up. The only thing that has changed is the addition of the EquiDermis🤷‍♂️
Guest - 12/07/2024 20:16
I’ve used equidermis on both my horses for over a year and has helped their skin a lot.  I’ve definitely noticed they scratch in the stables very little now compared to how much they used too.  Would definitely recommend.

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Nutrition Information

EquiDermis™works from the inside out by providing nutrients required for healthy skin.  It has been specifically formulated to provide natural support to the skin tissue, promoting a shiny, glossy coat and soothing challenged skin.

EquiDermis™is a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid (Omega-3) that has various health benefits that are particularly suited for skin support.  Omega-3 has natural soothing properties that calm irritated and aggravated skin.  Linseed supplies amino acids that are also necessary for healthy resilient skin, whilst the herbs support the internal systems.  Burdock root helps to maintain a healthy functioning liver, whilst Nettle and Clivers are added for their general tonic effects.  Chamomile gently soothes dry and damaged skin.

Key Ingredients: 

  • Brewer's yeast (23%): to support optimal health of hooves, skin and coat
  • Burdock root: to promote healthy skin, counteracting dry skin and scurfy coat
  • Chamomile flowers: to soothe the skin
  • Clivers: high silica content strengthens hair and coat
  • Cold pressed linseed oil: to promote coat condition and shine
  • Micronised linseed (53%): rich in Omega-3 fatty acids to maintain healthy skin
  • Nettle leaves: to encourage dappling and sheen of the coat, tonic properties


The Horse's Skin

The skin is the horse's largest organ, and its main function is to act as a protective barrier to the internal systems.  Healthy skin is resilient and elastic with a smooth glossy coat and is an indicator of your horse's general health.  Both Omega-3 and Omega-6 are essential fatty acids that are required for good general health but that cannot be made in the horse's body.  As a result these fatty acids must be supplied in the diet in the correct balance, however many diets fed to horses are high in Omega-6 and low in Omega-3. Supplementing with Omega-3 will help to readjust this balance and promote healthy skin and a shiny coat.   

Feed EquiDermis™:

  • To promote healthy skin and coat
  • To those exposed to wet or muddy conditions
  • To soothe dry, scurfy skin
  • To add a healthy, glossy sheen to any coat


Micronised linseed (53%), Brewer's yeast (23%), Linseed oil, Nettle leaves, Burdock root, Clivers, Chamomile flowers, Calcium carbonate.


Crude protein 24.3%
Crude oils & fats 29.6%
Crude fibre 13.2%
Crude ash 5.6%
Sodium <0.1%

Feeding Guide


Weight of Horse/Pony Amount per day                                                   
Up to 250kg ¾ scoop
250kg - 400kg 1 ½ scoops
400kg - 600kg 2 ¼ scoops
Over 600kg 2 ¾ scoops


1 level (150ml) scoop of EquiDermis® weighs approximately 70g

Feed supplements should be fed according to body weight. Introduce to the horse's diet gradually, splitting between feeds (when applicable).

EquiDermis® is a complementary feeding stuff for equine animals. Feedmark uses nothing in the formulation of this product that contravenes competition rules.