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Gastric Trial

1 reviews. 5 / 5
Guest - 24/07/2024 20:47
Product worked super fast and changed the horse completely. Stopped biting completely and became calmer in every day life

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Feeding Guide

Weight of Horse/Pony           Amount per day
Up to 250kg 1 ½ scoops 
250kg - 400kg 2 ½ scoops 
400kg - 600kg 3 ½ scoops 
Over 600kg  4 ½ scoops
1 level (50ml) scoop of this supplement weighs approximately 36g

This supplement should be added immediately prior to feeding, keeping the supplement as dry as possible, otherwise effectiveness may be lost.

Avoid feeding large concentrate meals (pellets, mixes and grains). Instead feed little and often throughout the day, especially concentrate feeds. Always feed at least 1.5% of your horse's body weight per day as fibrous forage (for a 500kg horse feed at least 7.5kg of fibre per day). Horses showing signs of excess acid should have continuous access to forage.

This product is a complementary feeding stuff for equine animals. Feed supplements should be fed according to body weight. Introduce to the horse’s diet gradually, splitting between feeds (when applicable). Feedmark uses nothing in the formulation of this product that contravenes competition rules.

Shake periodically to avoid settling.